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《老友记》是美国NBC电视台从1994年开播,连续播出了10年的一部幽默情景喜剧,也是美国历史上甚至是全球范围最成功,影响最大的电视剧之一。该剧的成功不仅得益于那异想天开的剧情,高潮迭起的故事,俊男靓女们的精湛表演,更得益于那轻松诙谐的人物对白。这些对白为语用研究提供了丰富的语料,借助合作原则理论对这些语料进行研究,不仅可以探索影视语言的语用修辞特色,还有助于更好地理解人物性格、心理及故事内容。  相似文献   
喜剧性语言的研究通常作为文学或者戏剧美学的一个附庸和补充,从语言学角度研究很少。莎士比亚是世界公认的喜剧大师,在喜剧创作中进行了丰富的喜剧性语言实践,其喜剧性语言的表现形式多种多样,有很高的欣赏价值和研究价值。一些学者对莎士比亚戏剧作品的整体语言做了研究,如"莎士比亚戏剧语言的多样性"[1]等,但是都没有对莎士比亚的某一剧本进行详尽的语言特征分析,尤其没有对喜剧性语言进行分析。《无事自扰》是莎士比亚四部喜剧中十分成熟的作品,它的喜剧氛围直到三百多年后的今天仍然令人为之捧腹。从双关语、夸张、反语、反复以及排比等修辞手段对剧本中的喜剧性语言进行分析,可以看到莎士比亚运用丰富的语言形式构建的喜剧性。  相似文献   
定量步态分析对于寻找病理、损伤或其他步态特征至关重要,是重要的临床工具,常用于步态异常的诊断和治疗,为外科手术提供信息,评估治疗效果。本世纪以来,随着电子元件小型化的进步,促进了可穿戴设备在研究和临床上的应用。目的是为了阐明可穿戴设备在日常生活中,检测健康年轻人、老人和一些病理患者步态特征的有效性。对于健康年轻人、老人和亨廷顿病患者、帕金森患者以及中风患者而言,可穿戴设备能够有效地检测他们的日常步态特征,进而通过分析其步态特征获得身体状况的相关信息,达到纠正不健康步态或者预防疾病的目的。  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the movements requiring greater trunk accelerations and its frequencies during badminton games, and compare the acceleration components among such movements. Trunk acceleration was measured using a triaxial accelerometer during badminton games. The moments that generated >4 G resultant acceleration were extracted, and movements consistent with the extracted moments were identified. We calculated the extracted movement ratio and frequency and compared the resultant, mediolateral, vertical and anteroposterior accelerations between the top five extracted movements. There were 1,342 movements that generated >4 G [mean, 7.72 (95% confidence interval, 7.31–8.14) cases/min]. The top five movements were lunging during underhand strokes with the dominant hand side leg, landing after overhand strokes on the dominant and non-dominant hand side leg, and cutting from a split step using the dominant and non-dominant hand side leg. Landing on the dominant hand side leg had a greater resultant acceleration than the other movements and had the greatest impact during the badminton game. Lunging during underhand strokes on the dominant hand side leg had greater mediolateral acceleration than the other movements. These results reflected the properties of badminton.  相似文献   
广告英语修辞格的心理语言学基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了实现广告的特殊的劝说功能,广告商用尽各种策略,修辞则是其中重要策略之一。修辞作为一门劝说的艺术能帮助广告商实现其预期的目标。文章从心理语言学的角度,探讨多种修辞格运用的心理语言学基础。  相似文献   
GaN基材料的特性及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GaN具有禁带宽度大、热导率高、电子饱和漂移速度大和介电常数小等特点,在高亮度发光二极管、短波长激光二极管、高性能紫外探测器和高温、高频、大功率半导体器件等领域有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
从《匆匆》英译看英汉衔接手段差异及处理方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衔接是语篇的基本特征,英汉语篇在具体使用特定衔接方式的倾向性和频率上表现出了较大差异。从散文《匆匆》及其两英译文中的语篇衔接手段的对比发现,汉英翻译中对衔接手段的处理有保留、转换、增补、省略等四种方式;译者需根据需要选择恰当的方式。  相似文献   
演说与修辞素有渊源,英语演说辞常借助“平行结构”、“反复”、“比喻”、“对比”、“层递”、“头韵”等修辞方式创造其语言艺术性、渲染气氛、烘托感情、增加表现力。演说辞作为一种特殊文体,在对其各种修辞手法进行翻译时,应在汉语中寻找与之对等的修辞方式进行直译或改换修辞,利用汉语的四字格、排比、对偶等优势进行改译,做到意义、形式、文体的一致等值。  相似文献   
蔡伟 《教育学报》2003,(11):19-24
本文针对研究性学习中存在的问题,提出运用集体作文教学法开展研究性学习的主张。在简要回顾了“集体作文”教学法所取得的成果,略述该教学活动的基本内容后,文章指出,“集体作文”教学法将对研究性学习中的发现问题、确定课题、收集数据、创新分析、获取成果和全面评价等六个环节发挥积极作用。文章同时指出将“集体作文”教学法引入研究性学习时可能出现的四大问题,即:以一当四,以写代研,闭门造车,貌合神离;针对这些问题并根据中学生的年龄及心理特征提出了五大应对策略,即:适度调控,点拨引导,变换形式,发挥特长,及时强化。  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to develop a hands-on spatial geometry learning system to facilitate the learning of geometry. The development of this system was based on Duval's four critical elements of geometric learning: perceptual apprehension, sequential apprehension, operative apprehension, and discursive apprehension. The system offers support to high school students in the process of spatial geometry problem-solving. It provides a hands-on approach for manipulating spatial figures, thereby developing the students' visualization skills and ability to conceptualize images. The experiment comprised a total of 58 participants from different classes with the experimental group using the proposed learning system, whereas the control group using the traditional pencil-and-paper approach. The study investigated the effects of the hands-on system on the perceptual, sequential, and operative apprehension, and on overall spatial geometry scores and learning attitude. The results indicated improvements on effective learning and a higher level of sequential, operative apprehension, and overall spatial geometry scores from the experimental group.  相似文献   
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